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00517-1 We Need Spiritual Nourishment during Our Spiritual Winter
Highlights: When we make mistakes sometimes or are not in the mood of practice and want to give up; when we feel that spiritual practice is not interesting and depressed without knowing why; this is the time of ..(more)
00517-2 Vibration from the Sound Is Our Layer of Protection
Highlights: Meditation on the sound is the best because it is our layer of protection. Vibration from the Sound eliminates all negative influence on us, rinse any bad magnetic field and ..(more)
00518-1 Method without Ego
Highlights: Ego is a huge barrier for spiritual practice. How does Master fix our ego from both inside and outside? Supreme Master Qing Hai points out: when you follow the Master, you don’t have to believe anything about the Master ; just practice according to this ..(more)
00518-2 Spiritual Practitioners Should Have Complete Faith  in Master
Highlights: Supreme Master Qing Hai reveals her secrets of spiritual practice in this lecture: in fact, I have no secret method. Perhaps the only secret is my utter innocence. God will take care of the innocent ..(more)
00518-3 Remember the Source when Drinking Water & Law of Compensation
Highlights: Since ancient times, spiritual masters have advised us to live a simple life whenever possible. Supreme Master Ching Hai reminds us that we should always ..(more)
00518-4 Spiritual Practice Is a Competition Counted by Seconds
Supreme Master Qing Hai takes the example of Olympic Games to tell us that spiritual practice is a competition counted by seconds, we should not be Mr. “Just so so”.. We should train ourselves to be humble and unattached. Don't keep struggling or arguing for anything, ..(more)
00518-5 Understanding Quan Yin Method from the Perspective of Nadi Tsa
A fellow initiate, who had practiced nadi tsa (Qi Mai), is sharing his spiritual experience with the proof from nadi tsa practice that the Guan Yin Method is all-inclusive and covering all aspects in psychic, physical and the Qi realms. Supreme Master comments that: it’s ..(more)
00518-6 From Misunderstanding to Gratitude
Highlights: Master trains disciples to be hard and soft and uses scolding method sometimes to help disciples free from and break through their preconceived ideas. ..(more)
00522 The Secret Method to Recognize Our Inner True Self
Highlights~ Through the story of a missionary and a drowning child, Supreme Master Ching Hai explains to us that most of the people in this world are drowning in greed, anger, delusion, worry, ..(more)
00523 The Meaning of a Monastic Life
Highlights: In India, the monks think that being a monk is their responsibility. They think ..(more)
00524 Spreading the Truth is the Highest Form of Merit
Highlights: Shakyamuni Buddha said in the Diamond Sutra that 'teaching Dharma is the highest form ..(more)
00525 Secret Method of Longevity
Every material thing in this world is created with a purpose. Some are to give us ease and peaceful mind, while others are to test our judgment. Meat, cigarettes and liquor are to test our wisdom of judgment. Every one of us has a destined life. Let’s say most people can live ..(more)
00527 The Confucianism in Chinese Philosophy
-Highlights In the profound Chinese philosophy, there are scriptures from Lao Tzu, Confucius, Chuang Tzu and many other great ancient philosophers, which have attracted great interests of research scholars from many ..(more)
00528  Confucius Is Also a Spiritual Practitioner
Highlights Many people misunderstand Confucius as an ordinary teacher who taught people only good thoughts such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, intelligence and trust, ..(more)
00529 Humility Is The Basic Foundation Of Spiritual Practice
Through one of Sakyamuni Buddha’s past life story that he worshipped a hungry ghost as his teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded us that we must be humble so that we can see the Truth. If we ..(more)