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Video-0872 Let's Make the Change—Protect the Environment
In a video message to a climate conference in Veracruz, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized the urgency of climate change stating, “Our current course of climate change is worse than the worst case scenario projected by the United Nations Intergovernmental ..(more)
Video-0873 Vegan Earth Day for a Vegan World
Under the efforts of Go Vegan Radio host Bob Linden, summer solstice was designated as “Vegan Earth Day” with the goal of raising public awareness of the vegan diet and encouraging people to join the rank of saving the Earth and protecting animals. On this first annual ..(more)
Video-0874 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Killing is Never Right
As we meditate to pacify the world, we are reminded by Supreme Master Ching Hai to always keep in mind that there are still people out there who are suffering. Even if we don’t have questions about our own spiritual evolution, we should always think of others and ..(more)
Video-0875 Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: We Have to Save the Planet at All Costs
During the July and August gathering with our Association members, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded everyone that if humanity truly wants to save our home and all inhabitants of this magnificent blue-green planet - the most beautiful planet in our vicinity - then ..(more)
Video-0876 Create Heaven on Earth
In one gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai mentioned that the human body is unimaginable - the best creation of all. She also said LOVE is the source of enlightenment. When we have love in our hearts, we’ll do everything selflessly and correctly, because when we are ..(more)
Video-0877(1.2.3) Solutions for a Beautiful Planet
This videoconference in Thailand on August 15, 2009, gathered Thai and Aulacese(Vietnamese) experts from the environment, climate, nutrition and energy fields for a high-powered presentation and discussion. These experts explained and illustrated to the five thousand ..(more)
Video-0878(1.2) Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: The Secrets of Venus
Billions of years ago, Venus was once a lush, beautiful, Earth-like planet, full of life and hope. However, the Venus that we see today is trapped in extremely dense layers of carbon dioxide; the concurrent global warming activities giving rise to surface temperatures ..(more)
Video-0879 The Gratitude of a Fox
At this special gathering with Association members in Europe, Supreme Master Ching Hai illustrates that if everyone chooses an organic vegan diet, it not only benefits everybody and uplifts the mind, but it is also an action of filial piety and patriotism. The Earth ..(more)
Video-0880 Fall into the Safety of God
What different kinds of breatharians exist and what is a true breatharian? What can we do to become a true breatharian? During this international seminar, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals the secrets of breatharians and shares with association members her own journey ..(more)
Video-0881(1.2.3) "Children's Health & Sustainable Planet" Jeju International Conference
Forty-nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Jeju Island, S. Korea, co-hosted an International Conference entitled, "Children's Health & Sustainable Planet". Supreme Master Ching Hai, renowned scientists and doctors were invited to discuss children’s health ..(more)
Video-0882(1.2.3) Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives
In this time of urgent planetary crisis, Supreme Master Ching Hai and distinguished guests including heads of government, experts from the fields of medical science, technology, education, religion, journalism, arts and others were invited to join a vital discussion ..(more)
Video-0883(1.2) The Book Premiere of Supreme Master Ching Hai's "The Dogs in My Life" and "The Noble Wilds" (Aulacese Editions)
To awaken people’s love for all beings, two publications of the Supreme Master Ching Hai, The Dogs in My Life and The Noble Wilds, both the Aulacese version have been published in Thailand. The Supreme Master told us that she often teaches her ten dogs the concept of ..(more)
Video-0884(1.2) Global Warming: Yes, There Is a Solution!
Peru owns 70% of the tropical glaciers of the world and is famous for its diverse geographical features. However, global warming is causing the glaciers to melt rapidly with huge impacts on the environment. On Sep 12, 2009, the video conference, “Global Warming: ..(more)
Video-0885(1.2.3) Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E.
Global warming is worsening and natural disasters occuring more frequently. Focusing on the subjects of LOHAS, organic, vegan and ecology, many experts, celebrities and dignitaries gathered to discuss the ways to curb global warming. Supreme Master Ching Hai pointed ..(more)
Video-0886 When We Pray Alone
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai shares the ancient wisdom of different cultures while reading a Chinese tale, “The Immortal in Sheep’s Clothing.” According to the story, Zho Chi is an immortal who has mastered magical arts. However, Cao Cao, ..(more)