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Video-0918(1.2.3) The Greenest Heroes Gala
Coinciding with the United Nations COP16 climate change conference in Cancún, Mexico,a spectacularGreenest Heroes Gala was held to honor eight vegan elites for their promotion of vegan living and animal protection. During the Gala, Supreme Master Ching Hai ..(more)
Video-0919 Mexican Media Interviews with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Radio Formula, Encadena TV and Novedades Newspaper
Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to attend the COP16 International Conference on Global Warming in Cancun, Mexico in December 2010. Mexican media, such as Formula Radio, Encadena TV and Novedades Newspaper interviewed the Supreme Master with inspiring content ..(more)
Video-0920(1.2) Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai: by El Quintanarroense Newspaper
After the COP16 Climate Change Summit in Cancún Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously accepted an interview by El Quintanarroense Newspaper. In the harmonious atmosphere created by delicious vegan dishes, cakes and non-alcoholic champagne, the Supreme Master ..(more)
Video-0921  Mexican Media Interviews with Supreme Master Ching Hai: Televisa TV and Agence France-Presse News Agency
During the period when she attended the COP16 International Conference on Global Warming held in Cancun, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted interviews with a journalist from Televisa TV, Mexico. While non-alcoholic beer and delicious vegan food were shared, the ..(more)
Video-0922 Press Conference on Climate Change with Supreme Master Ching Hai
In late 2010, Supreme Master Ching Hai granted a press conference with members of Mexican media in which Master revealed the single most effective solution to protect and preserve our beautiful earthly home: We must help to end livestock farming! Because the mass ..(more)
Video-0923(1.2) Be Selfless and Unconditional All the Time
At a gathering of disciples during the Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages us to contribute unconditionally and selflessly at all times. Such is the way of the universe. The moon, stars, trees, and air – they always give and ..(more)
Video-0924(1.2) God Quality, and Ways a Master Helps Humanity
At a video conference held in Feb. 9, 2011 with Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai reveals that humans originally had 100% of God Quality (GQ) and why man is created in God’s image. However, the majority of humans still live ..(more)
Video-0925 Birds of Paradise
Take flight into the spectacular, winged world of our avian co-inhabitants with the first animation of its kind, “Birds of Paradise.” A unique flock of ten birds and their human mom – she of the “golden feathers” – show that there is no love greater than family ..(more)
Video-0926 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Happy Christmas Vegan Meal
The vegan diet is not only full of nutrients, but also lets us live peacefully with the nature and fills our hearts with love for all beings. Supreme Master Ching Hai personally showed us the art of vegan cooking, and taught us how to bring loving atmosphere to our ..(more)
Video-0927-1 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai——Lunar New Year Hot Pot & Reunion Pudding
Revealing the art of vegan cooking to the world so as to bring warm and loving atmosphere to families and friends, Supreme Master Ching Hai specially showed us how to make simple, fast and nutritious vegan meals. We can easily serve our guests on ordinary days as well ..(more)
Video-0928(1.2) A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai—Special Sweet and Romantic Vegan Meal for Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is a good time for us to create a special loving atmosphere. Supreme Master Ching Hai demonstrated how to make a Valentine’s dinner by cooking diamond baguettes stuffed with vegan ham paste, and heart-shaped bell pepper with peas, among other delicious ..(more)
Video-0928-2C A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai—Baked Apples and Savory Pancakes
We have savory pancakes and Baked Apples, for that it is easy to do. We have a couple of apples, and some raisins; that is for the dessert. And for savory pancakes, we have some mushrooms, two tomatoes, and some organic olives, a tin of baked beans, and some vegan ..(more)
Video-0929-1 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Potatoes with Vegan Sausages and Savage Sauce & Rocket Salad with Vegan Cheese
Full of boundless love, Supreme Master Ching Hai wholeheartedly shows us the art of how to cook vegan delicacies, adding a special touch by preparing them over a wood fire in order to enhance the natural flavor of food. The Supreme Master’s quick and ingenious ..(more)
Video-0929-2 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking  with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Spinach and Beetroot Dish / Watercress Soup / Stir Fried Vegan Ham and Vegan Chicken
Full of boundless love, Supreme Master Ching Hai wholeheartedly shows us the art of how to cook vegan delicacies, adding a special touch by preparing them over a wood fire in order to enhance the natural flavor of food. The Supreme Master’s quick and ingenious ..(more)
Video-0929-3 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking  with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Vegan Shrimp Cocktail / Chop Suey
Full of boundless love, Supreme Master Ching Hai wholeheartedly shows us the art of how to cook vegan delicacies, adding a special touch by preparing them over a wood fire in order to enhance the natural flavor of food. The Supreme Master’s quick and ingenious ..(more)