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Video-1015 Always Spread More Love
Speaking with concern for those who endure calamity, Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages our Association members to participate in disaster relief work. This not only brings love and care to the affected areas, it also makes us more compassionate and open minded. This ..(more)
Video-1016 Concentrate Only on God and Enlightenment
During this international gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed that in her deep meditation, she has been able to access very powerful spiritual energies from higher levels of the universe. As this energy is brought back to Earth, it benefits our world and helps ..(more)
Video-1017 Unconditional Love is the Best
Meeting with Association members during this international retreat, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged everyone: "If you really love me, practice well. Carry the noble message in your heart and in whatever you do. And help other people, help each other in whatever way ..(more)
Video-1018 It is Always Better When We are Positive in Our Mind
Speaking with fellow initiates at this international retreat, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared the uplifting news that 65.8% of the Earth’s human population has become vegetarian. And thanks to the 19.5 billion animals in the world that are also vegetarian, the ..(more)
Video-1019 We Should Eat Less to Meditate Better
The Supreme Master Ching Hai kindly reminded that eating less helps us to meditate better. But it depends on each person; we shouldn't be too strict on ourselves. Eating raw food also helps with meditation but goes hand in hand with a balanced diet. If the body craves ..(more)
Video-1020(1.2) The Power of Vegetarianism is All Over the Planet
Vegetarianism is quickly spreading. Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged Association members as they shared great news and stories from all over the world during this international gathering. Since Master’s elevation of the Earth, Association members said that they ..(more)
Video-1021 A Sincere Heart Can Change One’s Karma
During this international gathering, Association members shared many wonderful experiences and expressed their gratitude for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love and care. One person described a return to life after death, another spoke of messages from the inner master, ..(more)
Video-1022 Conserving the World’s Resources
Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded all international Association members to consider that everything we use belongs to the whole world and is part of the world's resources. We should be ever mindful of all the effort that has been put into whatever we use and the ..(more)
Video-1023 Meditation Is Very Important
Why does Supreme Master Ching Hai consistently emphasize the importance of meditation and say that we should meditate whenever possible? Can an enlightened master be unaffected by karmic retribution if the master reaches a very high level? The Supreme Master said, ..(more)
Video-1024(1,2,3) Let Our Children Grow in a Healthy Environment
Plastic and chemical substances pollute the air, the water, the soil and the ocean. They not only harm animals but also the humans who consume the toxic meat products, causing the impairment or breakdown of our DNA and internal systems. When bodies and environment all ..(more)
Video-1025 When We Practice Well, the World Will Change
In this Master and disciples’ joyful gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed happiness in hearing of each country's progress. Master said she was grateful for Heaven's grace and Association members' diligent spiritual practice. The Supreme Master also offered ..(more)
Video-1026 Good Citizens Give Rise to a Good Leader
In this gathering with international Association members, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her happiness about the fast-paced positive changes taking place in the world, including people's growing acceptance of vegetarianism. In mainland China, for example, not only ..(more)
Video-1027(1.2) If We Are Virtuous, We Attract Blessings
Do we have to lower our prices to attract customers when we open a vegan restaurant for promoting the healthy and compassionate diet? One international Association member shared many efficient and inspiring successful experiences. Another Association member ..(more)
Video-1028 Master Dines with Supreme Master TV Staff at Loving Hut
During the summer of Golden Year 10, the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff gathered with immense joy at Loving Hut! The Supreme Master delighted all with her sense of humor and instant French lessons. She said, "The French people speak very ..(more)
Video-1029 Leading All to Be Vegan Will Bring Immense Merits
The words and deeds of government leaders are highly influential, as shown in the case of China, where many high-ranking leaders and officials are adopting the vegetarian diet, and the country as a whole is becoming more open and prosperous. A new vegetarian trend is ..(more)