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Video-1110 Buddhist Stories: "The Lotus Root"
We should treasure virtues above all. And we should try to adhere to spiritual practice more than anything on earth, because that is the lasting treasure, the lasting thing we could keep. Nothing else in this world we will be able to keep, nothing. Not even this body, ..(more)
Video-1112 The Love of a Living Master Reaches All Beings
During a brief sojourn in Hong Kong, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously met with Association Members. At the gathering, Master stated that she was very impressed with Hong Kong’s development despite the fact that it is a small and densely populated island. Master also ..(more)
Video-1113 Turn Within to Progress Spiritually
In this video/audio, Supreme Master Ching Hai discusses her recent experiences in Hong Kong, praising its people for being extremely kind and helpful. While in the region she was especially touched by a happy, contented blind person who made his living by selling items ..(more)
Video-1114 Stay in Constant Contact with the Inner Master Power
Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously visited Formosa’s (Taiwan) Taipei Center, bringing boundless joy and happiness to the Association members there! Supreme Master cheerfully talked about a variety of topics: the Formosan (Taiwanese) traditional snack, “stinky tofu”; ..(more)
Video-1148 Formosa Is a Blessed Land with Many Heaven Gates
Thirty-Three Heaven Gates concentrates on one little island. None of the countries have that much. No. Big ones don't have that much. You guys are very lucky, to be Taiwanese and to be sitting here. Here is a big number as well. Big number concentrated on this one. ..(more)
Video-1150 Unification Through Heavenly Melody – A Video Conference Between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Aulacese (Vietnamese) Artists
The artist are the ones who bring a lot of mental and physical comfort, a lot of happiness, a lot of joy, to the people in this world, whose creative contributions are essential for the advancement of society and world peace. On January 20, 2018, a vibrant celebration ..(more)
Video-1152 The Reality of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Retreats
And also during retreats, ideas come, then problems that have not been solved can be solved, inside or outside. All kinds of stuff to do. I have many notes for you, because in retreat I cannot call you, I cannot tell you too many of these things, except urgent things ..(more)
Video-1152A Supreme Master Ching Hai ’s Devoted Love Transforms the Lives of Animals in Need (2018.05.22)
Getting better; I hope, I do hope. Wherever I go, I donate what I can and wherever I can and whenever I can. I just hope for these examples would lead on to something better for all of our beautiful friends, because animals are really, really good. All these dogs are ..(more)
Video-1153 Keep the Mind Pure and Clean When Serving the Public
Just want to remind you that you keep yourselves clean. I mean not outside only, but inside. Outside we can clean with water, but inside you must always remember you purpose, noble purpose, because nothing else is better. Everything here is transient anyway. Even ..(more)
The cosmos united, and when the cosmos united then peace will come. But before the cosmos untied there has to be a great force of love, true love, real love that makes it happen. It takes one with sincerity and spiritual power to do that. It has to be real love, ..(more)
And you will be very, very happy from today on, because you will see your life for the better, all the time, all the time. Not just one day, two days, but every day. Every day is new for you. Every day is a wonder, is miracles. Every day is a miracle. Every day is ..(more)
Of course it’s nice if we have an ashram, but if not, we can still practice spiritually. The ashram is inside us, and Master is also inside us, so don’t worry if we don’t have any properties. Our homes are also our own ashrans. As long as we have a tranquil mind, a ..(more)
Some retreat is more restrict like you cannot even call on the phone. Because there are some rules like that in the different retreats it’s like that. Other retreats I have constant conferences with the different Heavens and dimensions and constant working with them. ..(more)
Video-1158 Tim Qo Tu’s Energy-Embedded Stones for World Peace
“In fact for eons, for peace, for love, for enlightenment of humankind, and for liberation of all beings.” For some hundred years or some thousand years ago, because Tim Qo Tu wanted peace for this world so much; so She embedded some molecules, special in some stones, ..(more)
Video-1159A A Heartfelt Celebration of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day in Kaohsiung 2018
On October 25, 2018, the 25th Anniversary of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, our Association members around the world came together in Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Formosa) to celebrate this meaningful day with heartfelt programs. The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day was first ..(more)