Video-0987 To Practice Spiritually Is to Be a Shining Example
Video-0987 To Practice Spiritually Is to Be a Shining Example
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages the association members to be a diligent and righteous spiritual practitioner. When doing any work, we should be honest to our own conscience, don't use that kind of cleverness, then we can move higher on our spiritual level.

Master says, "Live in a way so that people can love you. We should be patient and endure. And especially, “when in Rome, do as the Romans.” “Go with the flow of the river.” No matter where we go, if we’re arrogant and do things our way, people will dislike it." Therefore, the duty of making people love us is also a way to help them, to practice spiritually is to be a shining example. Being an example is better than talking. Our humble and yielding qualities will lead people to love and practice Quan Yin Method.