Video-0984 Ringing in New Year with Beloved Master
Video-0984 Ringing in New Year with Beloved Master
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  • Summary

In a celebration of the New Year, international Association members had a wonderfully memorable time with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

To greet the lunar New Year of the Ox, fellow initiate attendees from around the world enjoyed a grand banquet with many delicious vegan dishes and the “Heavenly Red Vegewine” specially developed by Supreme Master. Dressed in a festive red cheongsam, Supreme Master Ching Hai celebrated together with the joyous crowd. Moreover, in the uplifting and happy atmosphere, the Supreme Master sang a few songs with Aulacese (Vietnamese) fellow initiates, praising spring and the flourishing of all life. Every one present felt abundant spiritual blessings.

Let’s pray that the world evolves to become just like the lyrics of one of the songs: "Let’s cheer up with a cup of joy, and pray we’ll have a bright future of freedom. Wish peace and prosperity for the whole nation and the people, and that everyone is protected by Heavenly mercy and blessing."