Video-0989(1.2) Love Conquers Everything
Video-0989(1.2) Love Conquers Everything
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded us that when we are attached to this world, we have already fallen into the trap of illusion, or maya. People compete, make pressure and even wage war against each other to attain materialistic comfort. Many Masters throughout the ages never used force to gain anything. Yet after their death, they continue to be revered by future generations. This is due to the power of love.

Supreme Master also reminisced about the outstanding contributions and leadership of the late Slovenian president, Professor Janez Drnovšek. The model of this saintly person makes us realize that only love can conquer everything.

Animals can bring out the best in us and reveal the deepest love from our heart. We would never tire in loving our animal companions because what they are emanating from inside is simplicity, innocence and love.