Video-1015 Always Spread More Love
Video-1015 Always Spread More Love
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  • Summary

Speaking with concern for those who endure calamity, Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages our Association members to participate in disaster relief work. This not only brings love and care to the affected areas, it also makes us more compassionate and open minded. This world needs joyful and loving energy. We should share love all the time, and the world will become better and better.

Supreme Master also reminds us to be aware of the ego. If we find we have ego, we need to pray to Heaven and the Master power: “Please help me to erase the ego. Please help me to be more humble, more selfless.” We should always be humble, and look into inner self for introspection.

Supreme Master mentions again the benefits of a smaller residence, where we can save energy and money, while increasing our peace of mind. The simpler our lives are, the happier we are and more progressed our spiritual practice will be.