Video-1017 Unconditional Love is the Best
Video-1017 Unconditional Love is the Best
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  • Summary

Meeting with Association members during this international retreat, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged everyone: "If you really love me, practice well. Carry the noble message in your heart and in whatever you do. And help other people, help each other in whatever way you can, within your means. Everyone is different. Not everyone can do the same. Do what you can, or at least support in your heart. This unconditional love is comfortable.'' She also reminded that there is no need to ask all the time: God knows everything. Just look for God always, and everything will be taken care of naturally.

We need to be more in contact with the Divine so the soul feels happy and goes up. When the soul ascends, it can take spiritual nourishment from the higher Realms. We should thus practice well to elevate ourselves; then we can demonstrate unconditional, pleasant and comforting true love.