Video-1020(1.2) The Power of Vegetarianism is All Over the Planet
Video-1020(1.2) The Power of Vegetarianism is All Over the Planet
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  • Summary

Vegetarianism is quickly spreading. Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged Association members as they shared great news and stories from all over the world during this international gathering.

Since Master’s elevation of the Earth, Association members said that they felt the ever-increasing vegan trend of the world. One person spoke of an opportunity to spread veganism and Master's teachings through the online social media network, Facebook. Within four years she had 50,000 fans and received only positive reviews. Another member who runs a Loving Hut talked about increasing his daily meditation hours as a way to address challenges and make improvements. Then his establishment was voted one of the top three local vegetarian restaurants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also shared some of her own increasingly positive experiences that showed how human consciousness is changing. People from different backgrounds who previously knew nothing about being vegan, now embrace the idea of veganism. All these vividly highlight the arrival of a vegan era!