Video-1049(1.2) From the Original Universe to Our World: True Love Never Changes
Video-1049(1.2) From the Original Universe to Our World: True Love Never Changes
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  • Summary

When we look at this world with our soul, all things are sparkling inside with love and wisdom. They are all doing their job, beautifying the world inhabited by human beings and at the same time blessing it.

Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed another meaning for "Tim Qo Tu," saying that it doesn't only mean "all worlds' beloved Lord"; it also means "the Lord who loves all worlds." Master said: "The love makes me stay here still, the love makes me come back life after life to help whomever I can."

Supreme Master also shared the wonderful feeling of loving without possessiveness and having things without attachment. The reason why many people have attachment in love is because their love has not reached the unconditional level. Once this detachment of love is realized, we will not go back to attachment again.