Video-1019 We Should Eat Less to Meditate Better
Video-1019 We Should Eat Less to Meditate Better
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  • Summary

The Supreme Master Ching Hai kindly reminded that eating less helps us to meditate better. But it depends on each person; we shouldn't be too strict on ourselves. Eating raw food also helps with meditation but goes hand in hand with a balanced diet. If the body craves sweets, it means it lacks sufficient nutrients. So we should be careful.

The Supreme Master pointed out that our intelligence, wisdom and compassion have always been there but have been simply suppressed either by the infections of other people, our own wrong concepts, or societal pressure and generations of habits. It’s only after initiation that the garbage is removed by the Master; then we realize once more our love and compassion. And the longer we are vegan, the more we can feel the pain of all the innocent animals’ lives.