Video-1018 It is Always Better When We are Positive in Our Mind
Video-1018 It is Always Better When We are Positive in Our Mind
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  • Summary

Speaking with fellow initiates at this international retreat, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared the uplifting news that 65.8% of the Earth’s human population has become vegetarian. And thanks to the 19.5 billion animals in the world that are also vegetarian, the proportion is increased to 155.9%!

The Supreme Master also encouraged us toward a positive outlook at all times as she spoke about a fellow initiate’s successful vegan restaurants: “Whatever she says, wherever she goes, she tells me things with always a positive attitude. No wonder she is successful, and people like her, like them. I have never heard her say something negative about anything, especially about business and practice. She always believes in the Master power, always believes things are all good. And it's really good...so this is the power of positive attitude. Try to get that."