Video-1025 When We Practice Well, the World Will Change
Video-1025 When We Practice Well, the World Will Change
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  • Summary

In this Master and disciples’ joyful gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed happiness in hearing of each country's progress. Master said she was grateful for Heaven's grace and Association members' diligent spiritual practice. The Supreme Master also offered further encouragement, saying that when we practice well, the surrounding atmosphere will change, including nations, the world, and even the whole universe. This is the “positive energy.”

International Association members shared good news from different countries, especially from China. The Chinese government in recent years has promoted frugality, environmental protection and anti-corruption, which has led to drastic decreases in meat- and alcohol-related sales. The number of vegetarian restaurants has also increased, while some schools and hospitals are providing vegetarian meals. The government is becoming more open, and people's lifestyles are heading in the direction of positive change.

This is truly an exciting era.