Video-1050(1~5) Be Noble, Think Noble and Want Only God
Video-1050(1~5) Be Noble, Think Noble and Want Only God
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  • Summary

How does the entire universal system work? How long does it take for Tư Quơ, the Youth Universes, to mature? How are beings in Tư Quơ created? Where is the vortex located in our Shadow Universe? Why does the Shadow Universe spread so quickly? The Supreme Master Ching Hai not only answered numerous spiritual questions, she also explained that the true Islam religion symbolizes peace and that violence is intolerable.

The Supreme Master emphasized: "The power of thought and desire is very, very, very strong. That's why I told you, beware. Be noble. Think noble. Want only God."

In a melodious voice, the Supreme Master sang heavenly beautiful, uplifting songs, lighting the way to a world of high-level spirituality, full of joy and happiness.