Video-0888 The Higher Duty of Enlightened Masters
Video-0888 The Higher Duty of Enlightened Masters
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  • Summary

Sharing a reading of the last letter from past Sufi Master Mirza Abdul-Hadi Khan of Bukhara wrote to his disciples, Supreme Master Ching Hai illuminates the truth of the higher duty that enlightened Masters fulfil in their lives. An enlightened Master does whatever she does according to the proper situation and the proper handling of the Universal Law which depends on a person’s sincerity and merit although this is not always immediately visible to observers.

How important is the presence of a living Master? How do we see through illusions to the truth? What is the real purpose of attending group mediation?

The Supreme Master said, “The more grateful you are, the more miracles you will see.  It’s just 'Like begets like.' And the more you recognize the working power of the Master or the universe, the more you will see of it.”