Video-1163 A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Loving Hut Vegan Hot Dog
Video-1163 A Gift of Love: Simple & Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Loving Hut Vegan Hot Dog
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai demonstrates how to make simple, delicious vegan hot dogs at home using fresh vegan ingredients. These colorful creations contain a rich combination of sweet, sour and subtly spicy tastes. With just one bite, you will be filled with happiness and loving energy!

This delicious “Loving Hut Vegan Hot Dog” is placed in a soft golden bun, along with fresh green lettuce, red tomato, German gherkin (pickled cucumber), mustard, vegan mayonnaise, and a special ketchup sauce.

We are very grateful that the Supreme Master shared this beautiful 'Gift of Love' with us. Thus, while we are enjoying such delicious food, we are at the same time protecting animals and our Mother Earth.