Video-1058 Buddhist Stories: “The Buddha’s Past Life and His First Five Disciples”
Video-1058 Buddhist Stories: “The Buddha’s Past Life and His First Five Disciples”
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  • Summary

What are the benefits a group of happy spiritual practitioners can bring to the world? In response to this question, Supreme Master Ching Hai says, "The wavelengths of the happy group are very, very good for the environment and good for the people because this is a very big blessing for them and for the surroundings. Not to talk about your meditation or anything, it's your happiness bringing very positive energy to this area, to the environment.”

“If they had some machine that could measure happiness, the energy of the happiness will bring very positive upliftment for the atmosphere of the surroundings. At least the surroundings, not to talk about that it will keep moving out. We don't have to be at every center; just one center in the middle of Europe is enough to create these wavelengths of positive energy to bring good luck, to bring prosperity and happiness to the people and to that country, at least to the country and also to Europe."

Why did Kauṇḍinya and his four colleagues become the first disciples of the Buddha? Why in a previous life did these monks live as vampires who nearly starved to death? How did the King of Compassionate Strength -- the Buddha in a former life -- show measureless mercy and love in sacrificing his own flesh and blood to provide sustenance for the vampires, and why did he promise them that he would teach and enlighten them? Please listen to this touching Buddhist story told by the Supreme Master.

  1. Master describes the origin of Buddhism’s Jetavana ashram. In Buddha's time, a billionaire was looking for a suitable place in which to build an ashram for the Buddha and the sangha to rest and go on retreat and offered to pave an entire garden with gold instead of bricks. Why was the garden’s owner, Prince Jeta, ultimately willing to offer his garden to the Buddha free of charge?
  2. What are the factors to consider when seeking a suitable place for a large number of people to gather and meditate? During this talk Association members discuss suitable places around the world.
  3. Why did Master say, “Laughter is good for the atmosphere?" How do a laughing group and laughing yoga generate positive energy?
  4. How did the first five disciples of the Buddha become the first to receive the Buddha's teachings and blessings?
  5. What kind of negative karma created in a former life makes a person become a vampire? How do we protect ourselves and keep devils or demons away?
  6. Buddhist stories recount many of the Buddha's great deeds of compassion and charity. Not only did he offer people his money and possessions, but even his own body. It's not like one day he was born, walked seven steps, and became a Buddha. He accumulated merit life after life and eon after eon and went through untold hardships and sacrifices to reach Buddhahood.
  7. Buddhism has many meaningful stories that remind us to be more diligent, compassionate, and considerate to others if we wish to be worthy of being human, not to mention elevated into the heavenly kingdom.