Video-1042 Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Diary of Divine Connections
Video-1042 Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Diary of Divine Connections
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai shared the contents of Her spiritual diary: The Supreme Master revealed the mysteries of the sacred connection points, which can lead the Master to the "Spiritual Replenishment Treasure" of the universe and extract the necessary strength to help the universe.

The Supreme Master is very grateful for the assistance, guidance and protection of heaven, which enabled the re-discovery of these higher forces. She was so inspired that She created and sang a song of "God's Love" dedicated to the love of the cosmic God.

The Supreme Master also explained how the law of cause and effect works, how the earth will become better, and why it is better for us not to have telepathic ability, and why we only need to pray for matters related to spiritual practice.

Finally, the party ended in laughter and jokes told by the Supreme Master.

  1. In Her deep meditation, Master found many sacred connection points originated from the "Extreme Cosmic Region", such as "Youth Potence", "Absolute Control", "Omni-Might", "Effortless Pranarian", "Return of Spiritual Power", "Karmic Immunity", "Peace Streams", "Spiritual Uplifting Grace", "Healing Power", "Permanent Youth", "Regain Love", "Cosmic Stability", "Love of God" and so on. What are the powers of these sacred connections? Who can use them? How does Master gain the most of the high power at the sacred connection point?
  2. The “Spiritual Replenishment Treasure House” in the extreme universe has various energies, which are connected to the material world through spiritual connecting points and channels. These channels and points are usually closed. Under what circumstances will they be open? Why do these spiritual connection points need to be strictly guarded?
  3. The Extreme Cosmic Region guardians can also release these high energies to the earth, but why does Master still need to bring these down in person? How long can the power brought down by Master be maintained? How do sentient beings acquire the energy that Master brings from the sacred connection points?
  4. The spiritual sacred connection points are located all over the world, but why sometimes even Master can't know the correct position in advance, and even She needs to explore and search them one by one?
  5. Master's spiritual diary recorded the location of many sacred connection points and the spiritual energy that Master can carry. It also recorded the amount of spiritual power that Master has during certain days, and how much "Regain Love", "Nutrition Reorientation", "Life Potence", "Disaster Nullifying", and "World Peace" powers that Master brings to the world. And what benefits and positive changes these will bring to the world. Can ordinary people gain and use these high energies?
  6. Why do some masters suffer a great deal, or even die in anguish? Is this caused by the karma of the world?
  7. Killing is a very heavy karma! Those who kill in the name of religion or the leaders who wage war will all suffer in hell for a very long time. Because they bring suffering to beings, and those pains or karma must be repaid.
  8. The Earth has now become better and happier, but not completely happy. Complete happiness will not be reached until all negative things are filtered out. But why doesn’t Master strictly filter out all negative things at once?