Video-1105 Buddhist Stories: "Husband-Honorer"
Video-1105 Buddhist Stories: "Husband-Honorer"
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  • Summary

The Supreme Master Ching Hai told the Buddhist story "Woman who honored husband highly.” This woman used to be a nymph of the Astral World, and was one of the wives of God of Garland Wearer. When her merits were used, she was born into the country, Savatthi. Once there, she had a great desire to return to her husband from her former life, and diligently made many offerings to the Sangha, with the hopes of reuniting with him. Master explained: This is the desire of the beings in both Heaven and Earth! Even heavenly beings can’t escape from such attachment. Although they know that there are higher worlds, they do not pursue the Buddha's Dharma for liberation of their souls, because they are still attached to the physical world. That’s why spiritual practitioners have to be cautious and careful.

We all know that we can’t live in this world forever. But in order to survive, we sacrifice a lot of precious time, wasting it on all kinds of mundane things. Even spiritual practitioners often forget that time is precious here. Humans are so focused on all kinds of things, as if life is permanent here, but do not prepare for their future lives. How can they be released from sufferings? Supreme Master once again reminded the disciples: Time is very precious! Do not waste your time, and you should practice diligently to seek soul liberation.

  1. Is it good to pray for heavenly blessings or merits? Why did Buddha warn people not to pray for going to Heaven, but instead, pray for obtaining Buddhahood, and for total liberation from all? When the Heavenly beings' merits are depleted, they will be reborn again. Which realms will they fall into then?
  2. Remember what is most important in life. Everything in this world is programmed to waste our lives. Because our time makes up our lives here, time is much more precious than money. However, the system on Earth has controlled people strictly. It makes people willingly waste their precious time.
  3. Master explained why disciples can't meditate better, can't concentrate well during meditation, and can't improve spiritual practice.
  4. If we waste a lot of time on all kind of things, we won’t have time for ourselves. How do we even have time to think about Heaven or liberation? Without the grace of the enlightened saints, we can’t progress in our spiritual practice.
  5. Why aren’t there many people that want to come for initiation or liberation? Some people come here not for liberation, but for miracle cures for their illnesses.
  6. Why couldn’t Buddha help crying when he saw a pile of a woman’s darker bones?
  7. Why did Buddha consider a poor couple’s tattered rag as the best offering? Why did Jesus say that the two coins offered by a woman was the most valuable offering?
  8. Why did those people who had done many bad deeds in the past, once repented and committed to follow Buddha, they were all saved, to even attained Arahtship or higher spiritual level? Why can an enlightened Master erase people’s sins from the past?
  9. Why do enlightened Masters have to suffer when they come into this world?
  10. Master encouraged disciples: All saints have a past, and all sinners have a future. Do not worry that you have been bad. As long as you sincerely repent and continue practicing Master’s teachings, everything can be mended. Only an enlightened Master’s power can erase the brainwashing programs imposed on you, so that your Buddha nature will be able to shine through.
  11. Why can’t we continue staying in higher realms during meditation?
  12. Fear is a protective instinct. But why can we still do it, even if we are in fear? Which one is better “Do it without fear”, or “Feel the fear and do it anyway”?
  13. Marriage is a major commitment: Two must be together unswervingly, in health and sickness, and in rich and poor. This is a true commitment to the real meaning of marriage. Two people must have been deeply in love to want to commit themselves to each other for life. Therefore, before getting a divorce, people must think it over and try their best to resolve their issues through various ways. They could think about why they married each other at the first place, and make efforts to find solutions to achieve their original goal of being together.
  14. Master shared a nutritious tea made from the dried leaves and fruits of Laurus nobilis from her backyard. The drink is rich in iron and vitamins!