Video-1062 The Eight Vegan Ways of Buddhist Life
Video-1062 The Eight Vegan Ways of Buddhist Life
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  • Summary

I guess at that time the Buddha had gone, so there is no initiation left, no successor, only this teaching. So that was all they could have. And in order to be born in a better life, a better status in Heaven or on Earth, you practice some of this way of either discipline or moral standard or percepts. As I told you already before also, if you just keep the Five Precepts, even if you are not my disciple, you can be reborn again as a human without suffering.

I guess at that time the Buddha had gone, so there is no initiation left, no successor, only this teaching. So that was all they could have. And in order to be born in a better life, a better status in Heaven or on Earth, you practice some of this way of either discipline or moral standard or percepts. As I told you already before also, if you just keep the Five Precepts, even if you are not my disciple, you can be reborn again as a human without suffering.

I guess at that time the Buddha had gone, so there is no initiation left, no successor, only this teaching. So that was all they could have. And in order to be born in a better life, a better status in Heaven or on Earth, you practice some of this way of either discipline or moral standard or percepts. As I told you already before also, if you just keep the Five Precepts, even if you are not my disciple, you can be reborn again as a human without suffering.