Video-1150 Unification Through Heavenly Melody – A Video Conference Between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Aulacese (Vietnamese) Artists
Video-1150 Unification Through Heavenly Melody – A Video Conference Between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Aulacese (Vietnamese) Artists
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The artist are the ones who bring a lot of mental and physical comfort, a lot of happiness, a lot of joy, to the people in this world, whose creative contributions are essential for the advancement of society and world peace. On January 20, 2018, a vibrant celebration entitled “Unification Through Heavenly Melody” took place in the scenic village of Binh Chau, AU Lac (Vietnam). This spectacular musical event showcased an array of unique performances by a number of talented Aulacese (Vietnamese) artists. During the show, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously answered various spiritual and artistic questions asked by the performers. She also made a special announcement, declaring April 3rd as “International Artist Day” to honor artists of all kinds.