Video-1085 Buddhist Stories: The Girl Born with a White Silk Cloth
Video-1085 Buddhist Stories: The Girl Born with a White Silk Cloth
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  • Summary

If you always think of somebody else’s comfort, benefit, before yourself, then you are saints; very simple like that. Selflessness is saintliness. So being poor doesn’t mean unhappy. The fewer things I have,the happier I feel. I feel freer. I just make it more popular, more easy, simple. So that the people who hear those names of the Buddha, may be saved from hell. The ones that I cannot reach. Same with all the Buddhas in different names and different countries for all of them.

At one time, the Buddha was in the Sravasti country. There was a noble rich man who had one daughter. And you can rank her top one or two in the country from all aspects. The moment she was born, she had a piece of white silk wrapped her around her body. The two parents and the girl went to pay obeisance to the Buddha. And then she said, “Obeisance to the World Honored One. The human body is difficult to attain, difficult to have. Please have mercy and accept me to be one of your nuns, so that I can continue to practice the liberating way of Dharma.” And she was very, very diligent in her practice. Not very long after she attained Arhat. Ananda knelt down in front of the Buddha, and asked, “Obeisance to the World Honored One. Tokli Bhiksuni in the former life, what has she sown as good deeds and merit? So that today, in this life she had a chance to meet You, and then practice not too long and became already arhat. Could you please tell us?”

Because one person, even if the Buddha sows affinity with one person only, if that person becomes liberated in the far, far, far future, when the Buddha becomes Buddha, then many of five, six, seven, nine generations will also be liberated. And then it affects his friends, whoever is around him, also affect other people around. How come many people make offering to the Buddha, for example, or paint the stupa and all that, supposed to be a lot of good merit, how come they don’t become Arhat, or they don’t become monks, or they don’t get enlightenment right away? Because the different karma bears fruit at different times. Whatever Buddha did, He always transferred this merit to Buddhahood, for forward Buddhahood.