Video-1066 Buddhist Stories:The Bad Karma of Being Unfair
Video-1066 Buddhist Stories:The Bad Karma of Being Unfair
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  • Summary

The rich person said, “Oh, don’t, don’t be so sad. If you want to liberate yourself from the woman’s birth, from being a woman, and in the next life become a man, then come with me to pay homage to the Buddha.” So, the girl went together with the rich man. And then after prostrating to the Buddha and pay homage to Him, the rich man said, “Praised be the World Honored One, Mandalay, what kind of merit did he have? What kind of affinity did he have?” Meaning the brother of that girl. “What kind of merit did he have, what kind of affinity did he have, that he can be born into a very rich family? And what kind of sin had he committed so that he’s been born, although a man, but has no senses, no eyes, no ears.,no etc., etc.? Please tell us.”

What for do you have a tongue, if you talk, you don’t talk the truth? What for do you have eyes, if you saw and you say you didn’t? What for do you have a mouth, when you don’t speak up for fairness, etc.? Because the karma saw that he didn’t need them, or he misused them. If you have a good wife, good husband, don’t take it for granted. Be nice to each other. Be gentle. Appreciate it. Show love, show affection! Show! Always remind each other that I love you, I really appreciate you. Have to be sincere. Love is rare to find. Any love is rare to find.