Video-1109 Buddhist Stories: Great-Wealth the Treasurer’s Son
Video-1109 Buddhist Stories: Great-Wealth the Treasurer’s Son
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  • Summary

Supreme Master Ching Hai tells a Buddhist story of “Great Wealth.” “Great Wealth” was the name of a treasurer’s son. Due to inheritance, “Great Wealth” and his wife were incredibly wealthy. But the young husband was tempted by rogues to begin indulging in drinking. Soon, he couldn’t extricate himself from it. Eventually, the couple lost all their wealth and possessions and became beggars. When Buddha saw the aged “Great Wealth” wandering around and begging for food, Buddha couldn’t help but become very emotional and said that the wealthy couple could have achieved much, either in this material world, or in their spiritual development. But, because of drinking, they instead live in poverty.

Master reminds parents to watch over and protect their children, not letting them be influenced by bad friends to get into the traps of drinking, smoking, drugs, and so on, thus hurting themselves mentally, emotionally and intellectually. Supreme Master also shared her experience in using incentives to successfully persuade people to quit the bad habits of smoking and drinking.

  1. Being the son of the Treasurer, “Great Wealth” grew up in a very good family, and originally was a simple boy. Why was he so easily tempted by bad people’s sweet talks into squandering his enormous wealth?
  2. Parents' long-term companionship and teaching are very important. The children’s future is established since childhood. Therefore, parents must teach their children how to distinguish right from wrong. Otherwise, it will be too late to correct them if they are already in trouble.
  3. What is the consequence of falling into the traps of the worldly enjoyment? If we are enslaved by the habits of drinking, drugs, and so on, we will eventually lose everything we have. We will not only lose our property, health, family, and our future, but also most importantly, our dignity.
  4. Buddha once had a devotee who kept the five precepts. However, he was asked to choose one of the precepts to violate. The devotee chose drinking, and then he was no longer able to keep the other four precepts. Why would drinking make a person break all the precepts?
  5. To choose friends wisely is very important. Had “Great Wealth” in the story chosen to be associated with Buddha and the monks, he would have been elevated to Nirvana. But unfortunately instead, he chose to make friends with the drinkers. That’s why the Bible says, "Be thou not among the alcohol drinkers or meat eaters.” If we befriend someone, we become like that person. Friends can make people fall. They can make people elevate also.
  6. Buddha commented on the treasurer’s son “Great Wealth,” saying: "Neither having led a holy life, nor having kept wealth while being young, he lingered like an old crane laying in a drained pond without fish, and like a broken bow that only had the past to be praised about.” What do these comments mean?
  7. The Supreme Master encouraged the public to practice spiritually. A life with spiritual practice is truly a good life. It enriches your inner life, and builds the spiritual wealth that no one else can ever take away from you.