Video-1154 Cosmos Unification and Universal Peace through Real Unconditional Love
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  • Summary

The cosmos united, and when the cosmos united then peace will come. But before the cosmos untied there has to be a great force of love, true love, real love that makes it happen. It takes one with sincerity and spiritual power to do that. It has to be real love, unconditional. Truly deep, profound, compassionate love. And Heaven told me that “ The cosmos was so moved by such great love and became united!” And now they’re united. So they don’t war against each other, they don’t compete against each other. And then the universe will be at peace, the world, different worlds with different planets will at peace. Not just our planet.

One country after another are having more peace. But it has started slowly already before Korea. It’s just Korea is the most striking event. Just in one day they regulate everything. That is a wonderful victory. That’s the best example for all in the world. They will, everybody else will be coming together. Berlin was also a good example. Korea half and half and it was boiling. Berlin was cool when it happened. But, Korea was boiling hot. And suddenly turned cool. It takes very big courage, wisdom, and strength from these two wonderful leaders of Korea.