Video-1067 Buddhist Stories: The Merit of Becoming a Renunciate
Video-1067 Buddhist Stories: The Merit of Becoming a Renunciate
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  • Summary

If you had seen Buddha and became His monks, then you have such and such merit. Even the Buddha is not there anymore, if you follow His teaching as written, keep the precepts as the monk does, and are very sincere in your heart, really want liberation, then you will also attain a high level. Because they realize already it is all illusion, it’s all ephemeral. This is the ideal that makes them a monk. They really don’t care about all this gain and fame on this planet. That is monkhood. Nothing you really desire from this world, you really want to be liberated. The best is you want to become Buddha, a great enlightened being, then you can help others.

“Because this kind of lifestyle, the way of life, would help support and spread out the true teaching of the Buddha and nourish the moral way of life, helping people to realize all what good is, and then you earn more and more merit all the time by doing that and then finally you will become Buddha.”“So to let someone become a nun or monk, or yourself become a renunciate, the merit is as great as the sky above, as deep and wide as the ocean underneath. The renunciate person uses Buddha’s teaching, sutra, as water to cleanse all his piling-up karma, residues of karma, from life after life. These persons, the renunciates, use precepts, moral precepts, and he will always walk on the straightway of the real Buddha Dharma, until Nirana.”

let someone become a nun or monk, or yourself become a renunciate, the merit is as great as the sky above, as deep and wide as the ocean underneath. The renunciate person uses Buddha’s teaching, sutra, as water to cleanse all his piling-up karma, residues of karma, from life after life. From then he will cut off all these rebirths, deaths, suffering, sickness, etc, etc. And from then on, he uses that as a seed to grow Nirvana, Bodhi Tree. These persons, the renunciates, use precepts, moral precepts, as if his eyes to light his way on his spiritual practice, and he will always walk on the straightway of the real Buddha Dharma, until Nirvana.

Even though these great monks under Buddha, they already attained Arhat and wisdom, but they still had some ego left. Do you understand me? That is the problem. The ego is the one who makes you judge wrongly and think differently than you should. "The Buddha wanted to save his life. So, of course, the old man was feeling happy, happy, all the sorrow and trouble, gone, and then he followed Buddha back to the ashram. So he called Maudgalyayana to come and told him that he has to teach this man, make him a monk and then train him into monkhood. He probably repeated it. So he knew it, very fast."

Teacher already knows. Even if tell a lie, he would know, too. So it’s better l tell the truth. Because in this life, in this world, anyone who has some wisdom and their heart is pure, and they always tell truth, and they are honest, even all the heavenly kings have to respect that person. But if you have wisdom but you are not honest and straight, then it’s bad. It’s better to be just a normal person but being honest and good, than to be monk, a teacher of others , of lay people, but being dishonest and untruthful. It’s better even though, I’m not able to save someone else, at least I can save myself. I cannot tell a lie.

The time of death is very important. Whatever you think at that time, you will attract suitable position or places to be born in. That’s why when you’re alive, you must practice dying. Practice. So when you meditate, you should leave everything behind. Leave you body, leave your frends, leave everything. Not think of anything. Just think of greatness of the gods that I told you. And at least you will be born into at least one of these regions. And then the Master continues to help you. So it’s a very clever mechanism. Incredible! Just don’t do it again. Then when you die, you will not be made to draw yourself, to put yourself in a position that you have to think of suffering.

If anyone keeps the Ten Precepts, and then uses that merit to wish to be born in Heaven, being a god, a high god in Heaven, or if any person keep the precepts very, very diligently, correctly and then always does the charity work, and then he keeps all these good precepts, and then when he dies he will feel peaceful. I’m glad that you know it’s good for you, I’m glad that you are intelligent, knowing what’s right, what’s wrong and follow the right thing. Birth and death keep running like wheel that has never stopped. But good deeds and bad sins, the punishment and the reward, are very, very exact; there has never been anything missing, and never have any failure and never any mistake. No one can escape.

“He remembered how to practice again, and then he continued to observe the mountain of bones, which was his past life. And then he became enlightened, understood the impermanent nature of life. He could detach himself from that. At that moment of detachment, he became Arhat.“ Take care of your action, speech and thought. (Yes.) Take care of your mind, your talk. (Yes.) Anything fun in this world is not fun. Don't be cheated. Don't be deluded. Nothing is really fun in this world. Keep practicing, OK?