Video-1092 Buddhist Stories: The Buddha’s Former Life As A King Named Moonlight
Video-1092 Buddhist Stories: The Buddha’s Former Life As A King Named Moonlight
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  • Summary

As I told you already, He has been Buddha a long, long time ago. But in order to sow affinity with new sentient beings, or older sentient beings which He has not delivered in some former life, and have affinity with Him, He has to come back again and start from zero. And then the Buddha said, 'The beings that I ferried across, means I liberated, are as little as that little sand on my hand only. The beings that have not been liberated are as much as the sand on this planet. But never mind. Three months later, I will enter Nirvana.' And after that everybody else knew, other monks and nuns, and the assembly knew about it. Everybody was so sad, so sad, so sad.

So, and continued, continued like that. “He preached according to each person’s understanding, and level of consciousness. And he told them in such a skillful way, as if a doctor knowing what kind of disease each patient has, and prescribe medicine accordingly so they will recover quickly. So after that, people, many of them elevated their spiritual status. And everyone was inspired toward the supreme attainment of Buddhahood. And then everybody felt more peaceful. They bowed to him and left. At this time, it already past midnight. So Sariputra sat very quietly and solemnly. And he paid all his attention to in front of him.”

“One day the king was sitting on his golden, and many precious stones throne. And suddenly, it came to his mind, he was thinking like this. ‘Human on this planet, if you are in a noble position, high position, revered by all people, and rich and have all the things that you wish for, that is because in the former life, you had done some good deeds, or practiced some good method. Therefore, now you reap the reward.’” He was thinking like that. It’s like the farmer. In the springtime, he diligently sows many different seeds. And then in summer and autumn, he will reap the harvest accordingly. So that he can sustain himself and then sustain many others. If in the springtime, he has not diligently worked on his field, then in summer and autumn, he has nothing to harvest.

This is a democracy here. We don’t force you. You came here all by yourself. You sat there all by yourself. The Prime Minister Great Moon was thinking to himself, ‘if this person wants the king’s head, then I’m going to make 500 heads, which is done with seven jewels, precious jewels.’ So he went out and ordered many of the craftsmen, jewelry men to make the 500 heads with seven kinds of precious stones. So the king saw that this person is kind of so rude. And he was thinking to himself, ‘This person probably wants to test me.’ So he was kind of happy, glad. The king himself, came out and greeted him, and ask him politely.

Human beings, since time immemorial, because of love and sensual attachment, always have to transmigrate in the life and death circle forever. Or come in and out of many different hells. How much suffering, how much pain, you could not even descried and remember. And to count all these bodies that have been wasted thus, has not helped anyone. And even when you are degraded into an animal’s body, and then other people kill you, chop you up and eat you, and then even all those bodies also wasted, without earning any merit at all. And now if just forsake this filthy head off a human, flesh and bones and all kinds in it, in exchange for the Dharma’ body, the forever-lasting body, then forever you’ll be happy and blissful.

You Should see further into the future, and your vision should be grander. You should not just concentrate on such a small, tiny little object called body. If I sacrifice just a little thing from this lowly and filthy composite of the thing called body in order to have such a great benefit, for myself and for everyone, this is such a great thing. I do not want to use this merit to be any of the gods in Heaven, any, however high god in Heaven to enjoy just in the Three Worlds: Astral, Causal and the Brahma world. I just want to become Buddha, so that in the future, when I attain the Buddhahood, I can deliver other beings from suffering. That’s all I want.