Video-1097 Buddhist Stories: Treasurer Catfoot Bilalapadaka
Video-1097 Buddhist Stories: Treasurer Catfoot Bilalapadaka
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  • Summary

But there were two little young boys, two young boys. They enjoy it so much, so they had two potatoes but they chewed them very, very slowly and thoroughly, and they lived strong, healthy, they enjoyed it and felt grateful for that, and they chewed slowly, chewed until it melted in their mouths. Normally that's the best way to eat any food, anyway. Because your saliva is already digesting most of it, before you swallow, and also the nutrition is absorbed through your mouth, your tongue. I thought raw is supposed to be good for you, right? A lot of light and vitamins, and whatever's in there will not be cooked to death. So it's good.

Originally, all religions never advocated violence. They always have the five or ten precepts. The first one is “Thou shall not kill.” Not just kill, but harm. Not just kill by physical means, but also by mental or emotional, hurting other people’s feelings as well. That’s also a kind of violence. All the Buddhist stories encourage people to give, to give with love, with generous heart, and to give whatever you have. “A man who both himself gives and urges other to give also, in the various places where he is reborn, such a man receives both the blessing of wealth and the blessing of a following.”