Video-1093 Buddhist Stories: The Buddha’s Previous Incarnation As a King Named Great Clear Light
Video-1093 Buddhist Stories: The Buddha’s Previous Incarnation As a King Named Great Clear Light
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  • Summary

To be hated is bad, but to be loved is not easy. Humans, we’re born intelligent. With a lot of complicated nervous system, and intelligence. Therefore, we’re also complicated in different ways. It has good and bad. It’s good to have your own meditation center. Because then you can always protect this peaceful and meditative atmosphere, calm. And when you go there, you feel like it’s a place of refuge, and you feel good. You meditate well. Then it gets better and better all the time. As you meditate, you build up your energy. Be careful. Meditate well. Be pure, inside. More and more developed each day.

Anything, anything, anything is good for you. You are born, you are placed in that situation for your own good. We should not complain, we should use it for our own inside development. With this practicing of the heavenly inner Light and Sound, we don’t have to be reborn again. If you practice and keep the Five Precepts, I told you, I promise you, you will not go back to this life, unless you wanted to for some reasons. You are a free soul. You can come back or stay there, in Heaven. And then the Master will keep lifting you up until you’re completely free and never ever have any karma at all.

You return here, a Buddha already, but return, became a normal being again, and could be trapped, or maybe trapped voluntarily, so that you can save others. This is the main point. And while you’re being trapped, you could do wrong, according to the situation and according to the dictation of the mind, when your soul is already made blurred of every previous existence. And your power has been taken away from you. So that you’re helpless on this planet again. Maybe you’re helped a little bit here and there, but you volunteer to be helpless again for some purpose. Therefore, you could be trapped again as you asked me before.

I have not become wood or stone. I told you already. If I became emotionless, then I cannot understand your emotion. If I became, like, painless… If I can avoid pain, then I cannot understand your pain. If I can avoid sorrow, or control sorrow, or ignore sorrow, or nullify sorrow, then I cannot understand your sorrow. Thus, I cannot help you, in the time of your pain, in the time of your sadness, or in the time of your trouble of any kind. I retain all that, all the emotions of humans, so that I can help you.

The gods cannot control our mind. They are not allowed to. In this world, there is the world of control, of award and punishment, of law and order, visibly and invisibly. The gods have to take their hands out of it. Some gods don’t even care about the affairs of this planet. Some gods don’t even know until they want to know. Then they look down, they know. The gods in Heaven, some gods, they also turn off their vision. They don’t have to see what we do here. Well, I don’t blame them. There is not much good to see, right? We don’t even want to watch our own planet affairs, right?