Video-1091 Buddhist Stories: The Story of Sai Ma
Video-1091 Buddhist Stories: The Story of Sai Ma
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  • Summary

I have just watched a little news on TV. Germany has opened their arms to receive refugees and so... And UK also. All the dangers they risked to run away from war. War is terrible. Then this is what kind of world? If we just ignore them and let them die of thirst and hunger like that, when they already reached our doorsteps, thinking they have safety, and then we let them die, that would be terrible. God would not forgive us. We cannot think that we’re humans if we keep doing this.

I always think of the refugees in the war-ravaged countries all the time. Even though the world is helping, the number sometimes is a challenge for them. This world everything is so limited. Because of that, love becomes also limited. It’s easy to criticize, but it’s not easy for any government, any country to suddenly take in such a great influx of refugees like that. This is the last story of this book “Story of Sai Ma”: Thus, I have heard, one time the Buddha was in the country of Rajagariha, at the Bamboo Grove Ashram, with countless disciples and followers. At that time, there was a person from a Brahmin clan. He’s very diligent, but he has never enough food to eat, never enough clothes to wear.

And they found me all by themselves. At that time, I was just a small humble nun, cleaning toilets and bathrooms every day, and cooking for people in the temple. And nobody knew me. I didn’t even know myself. I didn’t know who I was. Then, they found it because some inner, their inner, some angel or something told them. They also have their inner Master, different. Tell them that they should come to so-and-so address, and then find such-and-such person, and she’ll give you initiation, and you’ll be a better, spiritually better. So they found me! I didn’t even know anybody in that city. I was knew. New York, you know.

So they knew exactly the address, and they knew my name. But they didn’t say…They said, “Master Ching.” Master Ching. And they even showed my face to them, so that they would recognize me when I come. So I had to believe them. So I gave them initiation. Later, it was so good that they even came to visit me in Taiwan (Formosa). At that time, I also wasn’t famous in Taiwan (Formosa). I just stayed in one of the mountains, we bought it very cheap. And in a tent together.

So Sai Ma returned home and on the way took the six golden axes. What kind of demon is that? Eat people, chop it, and have to use a golden axe. But if they already became disciples of some Master, practice and keep the Five Precepts, even just one day, and already has, such merit. "And from then on, Sai Ma's faith in the Buddhas, Sangha, and the Dharma was even stronger. "Everybody in that assembly at that time, everyone was so happy and inspired to make offering to the saintly people, and to keep the precepts, to do charity to the needy, and polishing their moral conduct." It's good.