Video-1061-3 The Real Love
Video-1061-3 The Real Love
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It’s like this. She said that the whole Taipei disciples were very happy because they made a screening of The Real Love. And then seven o’clock, they screened. But five o’clock, already many kilometers of the queue were waiting outside. And then at seven o’clock they opened the theatre, or whatever that is , the door. Only three minutes, all 3,000 people came in all at once and sat down. And then five television (stations) in Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa) came. And they broadcast it one after another. And then from that day on until she came here, every day all the television (stations) were airing all about The Real Love all the time, up to now.

If anyone has a condition and would like to activate this self-healing power, how to proceed with it? We have to reach that Level first, so as to use that power. You can try to call upon it, the healing power from Heaven, the healing power inside. If it works, then thank Heaven. If it doesn’t work, go to see a doctor and continue to practice, diligently, more diligently. Thank you, initiates in Taipei and Taiwan (Formosa), for seriously introducing The Real Love. It’s about The Real Love. I guess real things touch people.

There I rented a room. Talk about a room! It was not a room at all. It has holes everywhere. It is a mud house. And the roof also has holes. You could see sun and stars. You don’t have to go out to look at. So I called that like a “billion-star hotel.” Then I cooked outside. I cooked some protein in a big pot. And I cooked a big pot of rice, and I’d eat every day a little bit. Sometimes I’d buy some (vegan) bread or made the bread from the tsampa, from the powder, barley powder, roasted barley power, which is very common in the Tibetan community. They ate that with tea, with butter tea.