Video-1071 Equanimity Of The Buddha: The Story of Ni Đề
Video-1071 Equanimity Of The Buddha: The Story of Ni Đề
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  • Summary

Whenever you quarrel or you do things negative to each other or have such negative feelings or energy, then you make a hole in your protective net of your center and your community. And then the negative can seep in and make more trouble. I don’t take any money from any of you. You never heard me come knocking at your door or saying, “Please, I need this, I need that.” All I do is just provide all the time, everywhere, wherever I can. I provide many centers from my own fund. You are here to light the torch for the world, to make a good example from inside out, from beginning to the end.

I don’t want people to have also the wrong concept, thinking that all my disciples are angles. Most of them are. Some still need to trim and ... Trim and help. Just like Devadatta. Yeah. Life after life he’d been a bad guy. Maybe it’s his job. But the Buddha also talked about that. He didn’t hide that and He also told Ananda, “No, everybody’s good, everybody good.” Devadatta is His cousin. Also studied with Him, disciple and all that. Every time he competed with Him, every time tried to slander Him and do all kinds of things to harm the Buddha.

So humble, so humble, and she meditates 10, 12 hours, 6 hours at least per day. And she plants her own vegetables to eat, she never buys outside anymore because she said she cannot swallow and cannot digest otherwise. Became so sensitive after meditation too long. The more you meditate, the more humble you become. You realize who you are and who your Master is and how the teaching helps you, then you’ll be more humble, humble, very humble! So, being humble doesn’t mean you lower yourself. No, it’s not like that. The culture teaches differently outside. In spiritual practice you don’t do that. Because it’s just natural that you become more humble.

“Everyone, every person in the world, doesn’t matter if he’s noble or lowly, rich or poor, all of that is because of their karma in the past. You sow the good karma or wicked karma. The person who are very humane and moral, humble, respect the superior, and tolerant to the lower subordinate, these are noble.” He means all this nobility lineage, richness and all that is not really a noble lineage. The person who is such and such is really from noble lineage, really can be called noble person, aristocrat. “Anyone who is wicked and violent, or stubborn, rude, impolite, or very arrogant, doesn’t know which is right, which is wrong, that is the lowly person, stupid, idiot.”