Video-S1 Entering the New Universal Platform
Video-S1 Entering the New Universal Platform
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Everything’s changed – the world’s changed, I’ve changed, you’ve changed. Everybody must change. We catch up, OK? I look the same, but I am not the same anymore. Everything has changed, the inner concept has changed, and my way has changed. My way has changed, you must change. My way has changed, you must change. Change the way you think, change the way you treat life, change the way you treat yourself, change the way you treat the meditation. You must make it the most important thing in your life! Even though I told you before, this time it’s not the same. I really mean business.

I’m in here. The best. The best is that you are with me all the time, 24 hours. That means you meditate, you be good, you treat others well, you remember God. And that’s it! That’s how we are together – we look into the same direction. Remember they say love is not looking into each other’s eyes, but looking into the same direction. That is very correct. So long as we do the same thing, we think the same thing, we are always together. And later, we are all together all the time, forever.

We were talking about sincere people, eh? But it doesn’t mean you come here and prostrate full length to me, that is sincerity - that’s just theater. You are sincere, I know it. All right? Don’t need theater, OK? Don’t make trouble. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Don’t be greedy like that. Don’t play theater to me. I don’t need all that. I need you to meditate and to do good things, and to be good for the sake of everybody and yourself. I don’t need you to make theater around here, like “I’m the most sincere person in the whole universe.” All that stuff! Appearance really does cheat people, does fool people, but doesn’t fool me.

Just be honest, sincere, genuine. Be natural. Selfishness always makes you lose points. Everything that concentrates to try to get things for yourself alone, you lose everything! Whereas if you try to serve other people with love and with unconditional devotion, you gain. Because whenever you offer yourself to other people, even one person, you expand. Your energy, your aura, expands at least into that person’s area. The more you serve, the more you expand! You’re bigger!