Video-1071A Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra: Benefiting the Living and the Dead
Video-1071A Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra: Benefiting the Living and the Dead
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This is for the people who are ignorant, who have no refuge in anyone, who have nowhere to go, no one to believe in, no one to rely on. So, you are the ones who probably have to help these kinds of people so that they don't fall to hell. Because if nobody prays for them at the time of death, nobody tries to do good things and forward this merit to that soul, then he goes to hell, or goes to a bad reincarnation. That's why you see all the churches and all the religions, all the Buddhist monks and nuns always busy praying for the dead.

They can leave the evil destiny forever if relatives pray for them and give offerings to the Buddha’s image and all that and continue to do good deeds on their behalf. He will be born as humans or gods, and receive supremely wonderful bliss. The surviving relatives will also receive limitless benefits. All these killing, harming of sacrifice are the least helpful for the deceased. Such acts only bind up the conditions of offenses, so that they grow even more deep and heavy. I see that beings of Jambudvipa will themselves receive the benefit of any good deeds they are able to do within the Buddha’s teaching. That holds true even when the deeds are as small as a strand of hair.

Spread the name of the Buddhas in all directions. That’s why Buddhism is great. It tells you the way to do it. But other religions also tell you, “Pray to God, pray to Jesus.” But you have to do it constantly so that when you die, you remember. So continue, so when they die, they don’t forget. Their subconscious doesn’t forget. That’s important. Not just mind. Continue until it’s ingrained in your subconscious, that even when you wake up, immediately you remember the Buddha’s name. And even when you die, you’re unconscious, your subconscious will remember.

“‘When men or women, laden with offenses, who failed to plant good causes die, even they can receive one-seventh of any merit dedicated to them by relatives who do good deeds on their behalf. The other six-sevenths of the merit will return to the living relatives who did the good deeds. It follows that men or women of the present and future who cultivate while they are strong and healthy will receive all portions of the benefit derived.’” So, when you die as a good person like that and you relatives still - just in case you didn’t, or through love - do all these good deeds and on your behalf, then you receive all the merit.

They believe that being a monk is the way to liberation. Because they think that the nature of life is ephemeral anyway. So, give them place and respect, give way when they walk. Do anything in your respectful way. And they meditate a lot more. They truly keep the precepts. They truly understand why they became monks and nuns, why they practice. I just respect them because of the ideal they hold, the renunciation they make, the self-denial that they try. They try hard to be a good person, to be a good monk.