Video-1072 Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra: Praises of King Yama & His Followers
Video-1072 Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra: Praises of King Yama & His Followers
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  • Summary

If they committed great offenses and go against my teaching, then it may different. Maybe the Maya has the excuse to come and seize them anytime, even before their allotted longevity. So, there are such things as early death. There are such things. Not only for outside people, but for initiates as well. Because if you allow the negative power to have an excuse to execute you, then that is your choice. The Master teaches you how to be good, to escape from all of that, but if you don’t want it, then you still have free will. Free will to choose hell.

Even kings of ghosts are under karma for what they did before. They even bestow blessing and help is you’re good. Just that the karmic trouble pushes them into more bad than good. So, remember the Five Holy Names or the Buddhas’ names or some Saint’s name. Their merits are immense, Their compassions are limitless, Their power is superb and eternal. So, calling Their names has more power, of course, or hearing Their names has more power. “I only wish that at the time of birth and of death they will believe what I say so that they all can be liberate and gain many benefits.”