Video-S2 Break the Habits, Be a Real Saint
Video-S2 Break the Habits, Be a Real Saint
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We used to be more civilized. But then, if we don’t balance our knowledge with wisdom, and we don’t balance the material gain with the spiritual success, Too much intellectual knowledge, but no spiritual wisdom, then just at war with each other. It’s just the power. It’s just the power of renunciation that you get from me whenever you are near. You don’t have to be a resident in order to do my work or to serve other people. Just stay the way you are, help other people, and then that is a resident.

Enemies often come back together, so that they learn love. They learn to love each other. They had become enemies because they had no love. So, often, they come back as husband and wife, as lover, mother, son, sister, brother, to learn to love! Because family members, naturally you just love. And only love can solve the enmity of the past life. That’s why they often come back as family members or lovers. I suffer more than you do, believe it. Only, I don’t talk. Even if I talk, it’s never enough to describe it.

Whatever you want, you will have. That’s the law of the universe. So, watch it, what you want. Watch it. Whatever you do for others is good for you. So, be mindful of/that and be respectful. But to be good is not enough. To be saintly is not enough. You must be more than that. You have to be more compassionate, considerate, intelligent, helpful, willing and kind at all times, and unconditional loving, especially non-selfish love. You have to always think of how to serve humanity at large, how to help the unfortunate people. That’s really saintly.

So, try to think which habit you really need. Consider do you really need this or you really need that or not? And if you don’t need it, then try to be master of it. Don’t let the habit master you. And then, your life becomes better. That’s all; very easy; just change the habit that bother you. Whatever in your life is no good, you change that if you can. And if you cannot, then bear it. All right? Nothing lasts forever. Even suffering doesn’t last forever.

After initiation, a physical miracle or emotional. It’s nothing. Spiritual miracle is the best. Don’t take it for granted. And give thanks all the time, thank God, thank the Almighty, and thank all the coordinating Gods which give you a comfortable life or a good experience in life. Can’t have everything. Remember before, every center I make perfect, everything good, but then it won’t last. Whatever the situation, we live, we try to arrange as best we can here.