Video-1082 Buddhist Stories: "The Story of Khuda"
Video-1082 Buddhist Stories: "The Story of Khuda"
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And this person, Devadatta, was extremely arrogant also. He wanted everybody to respect him as much as the Buddha. He wanted to be equal with the Buddha. Even though he didn't have spiritual merit as the Buddha. If a person is jealous and arrogant like this how can he be Buddha anyway, right? Already. Not to talk about inside, the outside is bad already. And he wanted to kill another person, a Buddha. No matter what, even if it's not the Buddha you can't just kill a person, right? Right. Violent. It's bad.

And I was thinking the working teams are very diligent, and mostly miss out on the lectures, and the gathering. So I thought I will give you a special treat just the working people, you saw that, right? Just for you, you can see, only you. Thank you. That’s my way of thanking you, too. Cause you really came to serve everybody, without wanting any reward. You’d better not want anything, you never know, they have nothing. If they don’t make trouble for me, I’m grateful already. Not to talk about anything to give to you.

You cannot even imagine how many lifetimes I’ve had, and how many lives I’ve died, how many lives I was born. But I have not done anything good with the bodies that I had, through my life and through my death. So if this time, today, I could use my skin to help you and many other people, then that’s the best thing. That makes me very happy. I, myself, sincerely sacrifice this skin and the fur to save many lives. May my merit be shared among all beings so that they will be able to be liberated, and stay away from the birth and death and all the suffering, and then they will go to Nirvana.

Many people, because of that, became more diligent in their practice so they attained Srota-apanna, Sakrdagamin, Anagamin, Arhat, etc., different levels of consciousness, because of that story alone. Even though it's a bad story, negative story, but it wakes people up and touches their hearts, so their hearts become more open, more compassionate. And then their mind and their spirit become more diligent, understand why they have to practice, why they have to be good.

Today I was very tired, I don’t know why. Even I took a rest already in the afternoon but I was very tired. And I was thinking to myself, “No, today I don’t go out, I don’t talk.” I have the right to take a rest. I also need a rest. I’m also having just a human body. I’ll just go back to sleep, go to sleep. But then I was thinking of you. I said, “Never mind. If I dink tea, I wash with cold water, and then I drink something and I get myself awake, I can come out to see you.” because even though I’m tired, but you came a long way. Yes. And you didn’t have much time to see me when you’re working. So I beat myself, “Get out. Get up, get up.”

There are so many barriers. So many frontiers. Not just between man and animals, but between humans and humans. That's a very sad thing. That’s why I tell you, whatever religion, you keep it. We won’t make a new one. Everything in this world is very complicated, So it’s OK, we can keep to ourselves and support each other to meditate in a difficult world. We have each other at least. And we understand each other, and support each other mentally, emotionally, so we go on in this very difficult, complicated planet.

If you want to, you still can give it to any animal organization,truly helps the animals. Whatever you think, whichever organization you think really sincerely, passionately is saving animals because love of love. So if you work, dedicate your body, your mind, your heart to a good cause, you purify yourself all the time. People feel very comfortable around you. And the more so if you unconditionally give, because of love, because of wanting to help, because of wanting to make people happy, then your energy is very, very beautiful. Your Light is shinning.