Video-S3 New Buddhas are Born
Video-S3 New Buddhas are Born
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We are grateful to God, but we are also grateful to all the devas or humans, invisible beings, who have been so kind to us, and helping to make our stay pleasant or our time smooth and peaceful. Otherwise, maybe we couldn’t make it, if they are not coordinating…Good people, good people here. They are one of those ten people who are very active here. They print their own magazine and do…very nice, only a couple of people and do a lot of work, very friendly, very spiritually oriented.

Everything is around me. I think it’s a very simple life and very beautiful. I feel more relaxed, more peaceful in this kind of environment, in this kind of arrangement. I don’t know how about you. I just hope that they let me stay long. Because up to now, it’s so difficult for me to live a simple life. Because if you have a big house, you have to take care, you know. Even if you don’t take care, you have to have personnel to take care for you. And then you have to take care of the personnel which is the more difficult part than cleaning. See what I mean? It’s nothing really worth it.

And our free thing in life is, we can give to others. We can love. We can share spiritual news, spiritual merit, spiritual energy. Wherever you are, if you are happy, it’s fine. I still love you anyway. No matter what you do, I still help you the best I can. It doesn’t matter. When you die, you’ll know. You know who is your really loved friend, who really loves you. You all have three new Quan-Yin messengers. They are Fifth Level.

Of course, maybe sometimes you have come to the Forth Level or Fifth Level, but you would not really understand it. And it’s good that you don’t feel it. It’s better for your ego. All of you, are Third Level and above, but maybe you don’t even feel much. But that’s all right. But you know that you have changed. As long as your life becomes purer, you become more and more selfless, more and more tolerant, more and more “don’t care”, then you know taht you evolved. And the more you evolve, the more you have seen your own problem, not other people’s problem. And you become more humble.