Video-0935-3 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Pumpkin Soup with Tofu and Crushed Raw Peanuts
Video-0935-3 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Pumpkin Soup with Tofu and Crushed Raw Peanuts
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This kind is home cooking. Cut the tofu, vegan ham and pumpkin into cubes. If you don’t have any machine, chop the peanuts with the back of a knife. Put one tablespoon of vegan butter in the pan, put in tofu, vegan ham and stir fry a little bit. Put in pumpkin, peanuts and one bowl of water, cook boil and simmer until the pumpkin is soft. Put in one cube of vegetable broth, a little pepper, two or three tablespoon of Maggi depends on your taste. If you like, when it’s almost cooked, put in two tablespoons powder to thicken the broth.