Video-1104 Master’s Meticulous Care and Advice
Video-1104 Master’s Meticulous Care and Advice
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  • Summary

Everything hygienic is good. Enlightenment is better of course. But coupled with hygiene is better for your body as well. We can’t have everything in this world. Even your most beloved families sometimes you argue and you have inconvenience and you have trouble with each other but that by no means means it’s not do-able, is not tolerable. We always find a way to do that. But still small things are enough to keep me busy all day, every day. And besides I have to meditate a lot as well. A lot, a lot, and a lot and a lot! So I have to forsake my sleep in order to be more efficient.

That’s why you think about things of Qianlong Dynasty even come back to you. If you remember it and let it go, do your stuff, do your concentration and the mind keeps thinking or doing whatever it does. Don’t worry about. But just concentrate on your meditation technique. We can do many jobs at the same time. Why not? The mind does its thing, the brain does its thing, the soul does its thing. We can. Yes, we can. And sometimes not always you see vision or Light. Oh, thank God for that!

Every time you feel like it’s not the way you want, go pray. Go in a corner somewhere. Wash your face. Cry if you want. Scream if you want in the bathroom or something. And then wash your face and then pray and then think about that. Or leave it there, do what you have to do at hand first, prioritize and think about that later and discuss later. Always make up before you sleep together, better before you go to sleep. Or you should have his room, her room and come together whenever necessary, wherever you like. So afford some space. Some people need that. Some people don’t.