Video-1071B Buddhist Stories: The Names of the Buddhas and the Merit and Virtue of Giving
Video-1071B Buddhist Stories: The Names of the Buddhas and the Merit and Virtue of Giving
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  • Summary

If Thus Come One is making too much trouble for you to remember, just say Boundless Body Buddha. “If man or woman hears,” this is long, long time ago. This Buddha is long, long past already. Asamkhyeya eons ago already means countless, countless of Earth time. You cannot even measure how long ago. He already passed away. Even then, if any man or woman heard His name now, at the Buddha’s time, that means just 2,000 years, some years ago, almost 3,000 years, right? “… and have a momentary thought of respect, those people will overstep the heavy offenses involved in birth and death for 40 eons. How much more will that be the case for those who sculpt or paint this Buddha’s image?”

“Offenses warranting five-fold uninterrupted retribution are so extremely heavy that those who commit them should not escape retribution for thousands of eons. But if, however, at the time of such offender’s death, someone recites the names of the Buddhas on their behalf, then their offenses can gradually be dissolved. How much more will that be the case of beings who recited those names themselves? The merit they attain will be limitless and will eradicate measureless offenses.” So being vulnerable and all that, since they’re helpless. And if you love them, meaning your love is true love, unconditional, you want no merit even. Unconditional love brings great merit.

Buddha always praised the merit of offering to the Buddhas, and the monks, and the nuns. You must give wherever you see, wherever needed. Give, give, give, give and give. Everything you can give. You just become Buddha, then you have blessings. You can bless all people, any people you want. That's the best thing you can do. For people. All of you who do, helping people unconditionally. You're doing fine. Don't ask for Heaven's blessing or earthly reward. Dedicate whatever merit you nave to your Buddhahood, future Buddhahood.

In the future, good men or good women may plant good roots in the Buddha Dharma by giving, making offerings, repairing stupas or monasteries, rebinding sutras or doing other good deeds amounting to no more than a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand or a drop of water. Merely by transferring the merit from such deeds to Dharma Realm, those people’s meritorious virtues will enable them to enjoy superior and wonderful bliss for hundreds of thousands of lives. If they dedicate the merit only to their immediate or extended family, or to their own personal benefit, then the rewards received will be only three lives of happiness. By giving up one, a 10,000 reward is obtained.

He further said to the Buddha, “World Honored one, good men or good women in the future may keep this sutra and an image of the Bodhisattva where they live. Further, they may recite the sutra and make offerings to the Bodhisattva. For those who do that, I shall constantly use my own spiritual powers to guard and protect them day and night, so that nothing bad happens to them including floods, fire, robbery and theft, major disasters and minor accidents.” If they have the Bodhisattva image in their home, the Earth Spirit will protect that home.

A Bodhisattva Mahasattva named Contemplator of the World's Sounds arose from his seat. And in the assembly knelt on both knees and with palms together said to the Buddha, “World Honored One, Earth Store Bodhisattva Mahasattva is replete with great compassion and pities beings who are suffering for their offenses. In thousands of millions of worlds, He creates thousands of millions of transformation bodies through the strength of His meritorious virtues and inconceivable awesome spiritual strength. I have heard the World Honored One and the numberless Buddhas of the Ten Directions praise the Earth Store Bodhisattva, unanimously agreeing that even if all the Buddhas of the past, present and the future were to speak of His meritorious qualities, they could never finish describing them.”

“In the future, there may be people whose food and clothing are insufficient, who find their efforts thwarted, who endure much sickness or misfortune, whose families are not peaceful, whose relatives are scattered, who are accident-prone, or who are often startled in their sleep by bad dreams. Upon hearing Earth Store Bodhisattva’s name and seeing His image, such people should recite His name a full 10,000 times with extreme sincerity and respect. Those inauspicious circumstances will gradually disappear, and they will gain peace and happiness. Their food and clothing will be abundant and even in their dreams they will have peace and happiness.”