Video-0940-2 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Tofu Bags and Sour Soup
Video-0940-2 A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai -- Tofu Bags and Sour Soup
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I'm preparing two types of food today. The one is that tofu fried and this one is going to be the sour soup to accompany with it because anything fried is a little bit fatty. So we should eat with something like maybe a sour dressing salad or sour soup, depends on the day; if it's a cold day like today, you eat soup instead of salad. This, anybody can cook; even children can cook it, very easy. The main point is not to elaborate too much in my cooking style. So this is for busy people. Just the main point is to have enough nutrition.