Video-1061A Buddhist Stories: Brahma Asks for Dharma
Video-1061A Buddhist Stories: Brahma Asks for Dharma
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  • Summary

Because the Brahma King knew very well that Buddha really did not want to stay on this planet. The beings here were so stubborn, so covered with ignorance and wrong concepts, so very difficult to teach. So, He just looked around in the whole world and feeling that it was a waste of time so He wanted to go, truly go to Nirvana. So after the Brahma God came down and begged Him to stay already, He still said the same thing. Remember? So, the Brahma continued to persist, persist. “Remember, remember, remember You did that. Remember You did this, just for one stanza, just for one sentence of Truth. And now You’ve already attained Buddhahood, why do You want to leave? Why You don’t remember why You sacrificed?” So, he kept continuing telling similar stories.

Once you’re born, you forget. Even though if you were a god, when you’re born, you’re completely blind, deaf and dumb. You won’t remember anything at all in the past life. Therefore, you might do wrong and then the situations in the world will push you to commit some bad deeds. And then your status will be lower and lower, and then you might even go to a lower level, like bad animals. And then from then even go lower and maybe go to hell etc., etc., and never get liberation or be born in Heaven again. That’s why he was very worried. He was a god, he should know. He should know all these consequences, because once we’re born, we forget.

But the Buddha has never blamed the Sakra god or anyone who comes and ask for His suffering because He knows that will help Him to clean up whatever residue of karma and further push Him towards Buddhahood. These are helpers. The same with Devadatta; He has never blamed him, He has never hated him. His cousin who always tried to harm Him, life after life. But He has never blamed him. There are good and bad forces: good police, bad police; good guy, bad guy. And anything that tests our endurance is helping us to strengthen our spiritual endeavor, strengthen our faith in ourselves, make us more strong, more courageous.

“And then the palaces in Heaven were also wavering, tossing and turning in Heaven.” Like moving around as if we have an earthquake here. Probably that is a Heavenly earthquake. We don’t know if Heaven also has earthquakes. When some Bodhisattva suffers so much, in order to search for the Truth for himself and all beings, then it touches all Heavens like that, so powerful. “And then many Heavenly beings looked down and see what was going on. And they were all very moved and they all flew down, and threw a lot of flowers to offer to this Bodhisattva, and were also crying because of this great compassionate heart, and so courageous, fearless.”