Video-S6 Ways to Gain Spiritual Merit
Video-S6 Ways to Gain Spiritual Merit
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Because, your IQ has gone up, together with your spiritual practice. The spiritual level opens up all the channels. Cleans all the clogs off inside your arteries or even physical veins, so it makes the blood even flow better and the information go better – everything is clearer. The higher you go, the clearer the channel, so you get more information, more correct instruction from the brain even. Otherwise, mostly the brain, even also smart, tells you what to do, but your hand’s clumsy. The clog over here, so only a little bit of info seeps through, and so you do only half good. The spiritual blockage also influences physical clearance.

So do not let your emotions on this earth cheat you. Whatever you experience here is mostly suffering, so you cannot imagine! So, you just want to go to the best level. But you will be safe already on the Third Level. Not that I encourage you to stay there, but if you cannot go any further, then just stay there for a while. And if you want to improve, you still can come back here, or you learn slowly with other Master, or I will dispatch a representative to go there to teach you. And then you will go also from there up to Fifth Level.

You gain more points all the time if you know how. Even if you don’t meditate well, there are many ways to gain spiritual merit. You read Master’s books, even picture, oh, a lot of merit, OK? Even picture, read magazine, read books, watch TV, just like seeing me, understand? Millions of points! Every time, all the time, if you do it 24 hours, anytime you can, you’ll be in the Fifth Level in no time! You just don’t utilize it. And you serve your brothers, sisters. You gain points from each other. You are each other’s treasure as well.

You gain more points all the time if you know how. Even if you don’t meditate well, there are many ways to gain spiritual merit. You read Master’s books, even picture, oh, a lot of merit, OK? Even picture, read magazine, read books, watch TV, just like seeing me, understand? Millions of points! Every time, all the time, if you do it 24 hours, anytime you can, you’ll be in the Fifth Level in no time! You just don’t utilize it. And you serve your brothers, sisters. You gain points from each other. You are each other’s treasure as well.