Video-1096 Labor Day
Video-1096 Labor Day
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  • Summary

I’ve just found it in the kitchen. And then I thought of you right away. I said, “Wow!” I didn’t come here for this actually. I just came to check out the sleepy...outside. And then, I found treasure. And then I thought, “OK, today is a non-working day for the workers.” Oh, this is good already, you can just... Each one takes two, and then... I told you. If you’re tired, you sleep. Just meditate a little before you sleep. Then it’s OK. Meditate a while, and slowly lie down like this, so that you continue meditating while you snore.

Today is your day. Now everybody’s here. But at the end of the month, some have to go, some visa, or family. Then I’ll be alone again. They think I’m always surrounded with working staff. Like here, somebody cooks for me; somebody washes my clothes; somebody does camera; somebody does internet for me. It’s not like that. Sometime before retreat, also everybody thinks I have everything. No, sometimes I came home With an empty stomach, no time to eat there. And then I had to run, for some reason, I had to go. I always take the maximum time with the people.

Anybody who is very tired today? Working? Video team? Tired, huh? No? Wow, tough guy. Tomorrow everybody rests. Really! No matter what. The day off is a day off. It's been long already. It's been a long time. It has been two months or something, since beginning work. Some people have worked since more than a month already, nonstop, like some kitchen people. Long time already. So, tomorrow's a day off. It's not Sunday. It's a holiday. It's Labor Day.