Video-1100 Master Serves Disciples
Video-1100 Master Serves Disciples
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  • Summary

The people who did not eat this kind of fruit before, raise hand. I just want to give it to those who did not eat, you all ate it already, where? All countries have it now? Oh! What? (We haven't eaten from You, Master.) So you still want me to be a waiter? OK. All right then. I thought I could go and sit on the Master's place. But since I'm a waiter now, I stand here. Waiter, you know? Standing and serving. I just watched some good news on TV. A lot of countries open their arms to the refugees right now. I was very, very, very glad, very happy. Humans, I think, take turns now to become more compassionate. And I am very, very happy, very happy, truly happy.

You think my merit is immense. It’s true. But the world is immense, too. And your karma is more than immense. The people, not just yours but the humans’ karma is more, more than immense. Because life after life, generation after generation, the blood line, the DNA keeps continuing to revolve inside the next generation. Therefore, the more I save, the better – the more I can give. And the merit, I cannot take it from Heaven, no. I have to earn it right here. Many lifetimes here earning and giving at the same time. And in this lifetime I also had to earn and give at the same time, but too much, too much giving, earning little.