Video-1063 Vegan Trends Around the World
Video-1063 Vegan Trends Around the World
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  • Summary

The vegetarian (vegan) trend is reported everywhere. "7-Eleven has quietly switched to vegan mayo." Wow! “Just Mayo, Hampton Creek Foods backed by VC (venture capital) firm Khosla Ventures, Bill Gates, and Li Ka-shing, richest man in Asia, have secured total funding for Hampton Creek, now at $120,000,000; $113,000,000 of which came about this year, 2014.” “Beyond Meat backed by Twitter’s co-founder Evan Williams and Biz Stone, leading VC firm Kleiner Perkins, an early investor of Amazon, Google, and Facebook." All these millionaires, billionaires, support these vegan trends. Isn’t that wonderful? (Yes.)

Wow, so many! So today, no story. We just read all these, huh? It’s wonderful. It’s a vegan trend in the world now. “German meat giant Rügenwalder Mühle has developed a full vegan product line, including vegan meatballs.” “‘7-Eleven,’ the world’s biggest convenience store just went vegan with its sandwich spread.” “Veganz, a German vegan supermarket chain has plans to expand across Europe and US.” “British Vegetarian Society reports that currently an average of 5,000 people a week become vegetarians in Britain.” “In Germany, the equivalent figure is 4,000 people a week. But with around 7,000,000 vegetarians, Germany currently has the highest number.” It’s wonderful, huh? Good news? (Yes!) You guys have been diligent. The media also has to be thanked. They spread all this news. So the people copy and want to do the same.

“Vegetarianism is fairly common in the Netherlands. A study has shown that the number of vegetarians out of a population of nearly 16.5 million people increased from 560,000 in 2004 to 720,000 in 2006. The number of part-time vegetarians grew rapidly as well. Around 3.5 million Dutch citizens abstain from eating meat a few days a week.” Wow! “Thirty-one percent of Indians are vegetarians.” You know how much is that? Three hundred fifty plus million people! Bravo. I love India. “Meat consumption is dropping across Europe and now in the US.” “Demand for milk has been in a free-fall for decades. US milk consumption has dropped 36% since the 1970s.” (Wow!)

“Two hundred thousand liters of water to produce one kilo beef.” “Five hamburgers is the water equivalent to a year’s showers!” “Agriculture, particularly meat and dairy products, account for 70% of global fresh water consumption, 38% of the total land use, and 19% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.” United Nations Environment Programme Report. From 2000 to 2009, it’s still not that much. And then from 2030 to 2039, they predict because of the emission of greenhouse gases, there will be more droughts, more hot, so more drought. If we don’t stop the greenhouse gas emissions due to animal products, and if we don’t stop the use of too much clean water for the animal industry, then our children’s children’s children will probably die, die from thirst. It’s terrible.

"A recent study by the United Nations found that plants and animals are now disappearing at up to 1,000 times the natural background rate of extinction, with vital life-supporting ecosystems that could soon be irreversibly damaged. And then we have global warming." So the United Nations says something like, "The accelerating loss of biodiversity poses a fundamental threat to the survival of humankind." We have to do something. Make a law. Stop eating meat, stop fishing. Stop killing animals. "A no-meat diet would prevent over 60% of species loss as well." "Netherlands Environmental Impact Assessment", saying that, "A vegan diet can reduce climate change mitigation costs by over 80% between 2009 and 2050."

"Lord Stern of Brentford, United Kingdom, lead author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change proposed the avoidance of deforestation as the most economic method of managing greenhouse gas emissions. Ninety-one percent of the cleared Amazonian forest since 1970, the lungs of our Earth, can be directly or indirectly attributed to cattle raising. And in fact the UN FAO stated that the livestock sector is the major driver of global deforestation." "A year without paper saves 8.5 trees," shrinkthatfootprint.com reports. "A year without beef saves 3,432 trees", just for one person. And The Guardian... "A diet rich in meat, eggs, milk and cheese could be as harmful to health as smoking.”

What is important is that all of you guys, you have to keep being vegan, and send all this message quietly also, as well as loudly. If you are vegan, your energy it keeps sending out the message also. Not just doing it physically, but quietly, invisibly. It also helps. Each of you is like a radio or a television, sending out waves of vegan. “I would like to share some experiences…The whole meditation hall, everyone had a spiritual tree shining directly on their body, surrounding them. When I saw that, I thought Master already gave each disciple a direct connection to the spiritual tree, direct connection to Heaven.” The spiritual tree is very bright. But their bad karma absorbs all of it. So, that’s why it’s thin. The more we practice, the less the spiritual tree is absorbed. Then it will get fatter and fatter.

“So when I prayed at the Tree of Praying, I then knew that later beings on Earth will have peace and joy on Earth. And I saw human beings on Earth starting to appreciate God, and knowing Who is called Tim Qo Tu. They know Your name as Tim Qo Tu. They have a grateful heart, and our Earth at that time has…” Changed, future. That is the future. Sometimes if our mind is calm and quiet, then the Master’s power can take us there easier. When the mind is not very tranquil, then it is pulled this way, that way. She pulls us up and we cannot go up. We don’t want to ascend. Youth Source sometimes already exists in the Fourth Level, already exists at the Fifth Level, and the Sixth Level as well. But the powers are different. I also said sometimes it is the same place, but goes deeper.

"The more I see You, the more I love You." I won’t die yet. But it has to be that way. Your body has to be reduced to rubble in order to save all sentient beings. It’s not easy. Not just the physical body is reduced to rubble, no, the spiritual body as well. Your spiritual body has to be sacrificed also, in order to change the (bad) karma of countless beings, countless, not just this Earth only. No. You went through but you have to come back. Running back and forth. You cannot go through and leave them behind. (You’re suffered a lot.) If one person suffers for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands other people, million, billions of other people to be happy, then it’s well worth it. It’s worth it. Otherwise, what for do we exist in the universe, if we cannot help others?

“When I went through the Three Worlds, then I realized Your existence is really necessary. If we didn’t have You: no Master, no key, no God’s power, human beings would truly suffer tremendously, Master. They could not pass through the Three World. So at that time, I realized that You’re very, very, very important to humanity, to human beings. I know that Your presence, whether it is in the manifestation body, Dharma body, or Your presence right now is extremely important to us in the spiritual process and learning process, both inside and outside.” “I saw beings from above looking down and having so much sympathy and sorrow for You. Your sacrifice is indescribable. Not these words, it’s also beyond description. Therefore we don’t really appreciate the Quan Yin Method and are not really grateful to our Master until we enter there or until we see how strenuously and seriously Master has tried to bring the power down here from above, to help this planet.”

The sufferings in this world are real, not illusionary. The world is illusionary, but no one knows it's an illusion. Therefore, the suffering is very serious. So someone has to come and try to save them, despite dangers. Sometimes there are traps. I'm just here because of people suffering. Otherwise, I know already it's nothing, nothing, nothing here. Nothing is anything here. Just because people don't know that, so I have to stay. The Earth people don't know it. So they suffer. So I have to stay.