Video-S10 State of the Five Worlds
Video-S10 State of the Five Worlds
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Some of you were wondering… the whole history of the Five Worlds. The physical world is the leftover from the Astral creation. After creating the Astral, the heavy stuff settled down at the bottom and became the physical world, which is a fantastic world, I’m telling you. It’s the only one that has a physical body. And then, whatever’s left, whatever is heavier than the physical, then it even sinks lower to the bottom of the creation, and we call it hell. There is no such level like that. It’s infinite. But still, each level is like that. Fine. So whatever’s in the same level is hell, whatever is the same level is physical, whatever is the same level of fineness is Astral, etc. etc. And the finer, the higher. So hell persons are permitted on earth four hours at a time, without a body. And if he wants to manifest in the body, two hours.

And then we go to the mountain of the Astral. The Astral animals even can manifest into human form and come to the earth, our world, the physical world, and can visit for two days in the physical body form. And the Astral beings themselves, they look like us, just more beautiful, they can stay five days in the physical form. And you can't even stay five minutes in the Second world or Third world. The humans have more disadvantage, and do not know anything of this manifestation power. Very pitiful! So the Master of the higher level comes down and awakens in them this power and says, "You have it, baby, you have it! Just use it!" Try to train yourself again and clean yourself, refining, and then you'll become that, the pure essence that you had before.

Let’s go to the Second Level. The further, the higher, the less to talk about. The Second Level beings can come down to Earth in the physical flesh which they manifest themselves by their own power. They can stay… that physical body can last for eight days. They don't need food in these eight days. They will just look like you. And they can talk in any language they want. And you’ll never know where they come from! Perfect accent, perfect intelligence, perfect knowledge of everything. They know everything from the Second Level, no? The library contains everything, every country, every small being. The Second Level has a library. You want to know anybody's history, you can go there and check it out. So, nobody can ever push them into a corner where they’ll never be able to answer, so they never get into trouble.

The Third Level being, can manifest on earth in the flesh for fifteen days, two weeks' vacation. That's a long time! The Third Level, they don't need to eat. They also don't procreate. They can use their power to create any friend or family member they like. Fifteen days is their visa. Fourth Level beings, they can stay 20 days. Even without food. They don't eat. Even if they're in the physical body, they could also manifest their own food to survive in this physical planet. 20 days. And the Fifth Level beings, if they want to come here to the planet to visit, or to help in manifestation, manifested in a physical body, they can stay 30 days without damaging their spiritual essence. Without feeling much pressure. 30 days, they can stay.